Whether you are a developer, architect or planning consultant, JPS is here to help you. We regularly resolve complex planning issues with our detailed and highly respected Landscape Plan service. We can assist with Pre-Application Plans, Outline Planning Applications, Full Planning Applications and clearance of Reserved Matters (landscape planning conditions). We also have a proven track record of resolving sensitive Enforcement matters and delivering ecological mitigation to sites to ensure net gain. We can assess the potential of your development site with a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) or produce highly imaginative Masterplans, Concept Designs, Lighting and Planting Plans to maximise the value of your landscape. Photo-realistic 3D visuals, animated walkthroughs and interactive tours help potential buyers (and councils) visualise the scheme. Whatever your project, JPS offers unparalleled creative solutions combined with outstanding technical expertise. With over 19 years’ experience in the commercial sector, we would be delighted to assist in unlocking the potential of your scheme.